November 18, 2011

Steve Vick International resin sealant technology has been successfully used at Sellafield to assist in the safe removal of approximately 10 metres of highly contaminated 150mm diameter ABS plastic duct that was previously used to extract a suite of gloveboxes from a Waste Washing Pilot Plant. Specifically, the company was commissioned to design a method of safely removing one metre lengths of...

December 6, 2005

The 125Plus was used recently by Balfour Beatty Utilities (BBUL) in Darlington to push 332 metres of 75mm diameter PE into a 4” cast iron main during a Live Gas Mains Insertion project. By turning the machine around after the first push, BBUL was able to insert the PE in two directions from one excavation; the first push was 182m in length and took 25 minutes and the second 150m. This was...

July 15, 2005

  These overhead mains, situated close to a gas holder in Stoke-on-Trent, were being dismantled prior to the site being developed for housing. The pressure was reduced from 2 bar to 50mbar, allowing a Steve Vick International Special Contract Service team to install two FOAMBAGS™ in the 20” and 24” diameter pipes. The pipes could then be cut out and dismantled.