
Breaking out redundant or inserted cast iron mains has always been risky as operators use a variety of hand-held tools, which are labour intensive and associated with hazards to the workforce and even to passers-by.

The alternatives, though effective and well designed, have been expensive; but Steve Vick believe that they have the answer to this longstanding problem with the CRACKERJACK™, a manually operated mains cracker that combines performance and easy handling with low cost.

The major difference between the CRACKERJACK™ and other mechanised crackers on the market is its’ power source. Instead of being battery operated, the Crackerjack™ is operated from a standard site compressor via an air over hydraulic pump which delivers 700 bar of hydraulic pressure, plenty of power to crack cast and spun iron mains up to 6” in diameter in a couple of minutes.

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The operator uses a foot pedal on the pump to open and close the jaw of the CRACKERJACK™ and is thus able to control the pressure applied so that just sufficient force is used to crack the metal.

By rotating and moving the CRACKERJACK™ along the main, the pipe can be broken out in several places to facilitate the removal of the redundant section or to gain access to an inserted PE pipe, making it the ideal system for live mains insertion.

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Benefits of the CRACKERJACK™

  • Fits all diameters from 3” to 6” with a simple adjustment
  • 20 tonnes of break-out force cracks a 6” main in minutes
  • Low cost compared with existing mechanical tools
  • Safe for use on inserted mains – controlled break out avoids damaging internal PE
  • Lightweight (15kg) and easy to handle
  • Set up takes moments – no need to enter the trench
  • Avoids the safety risks of using podger bars or sledge hammers
  • Minimum excavation required – needs only 75mm either side of the main
  • Ideal for Live Mains Insertion

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01225 864 864 or

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