
Steve Vick receives commemorative poppy for IGEM support

March 1, 2015

Steve Vick International has been presented with a ceramic poppy from the “Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” display at The Tower of London.

The commemorative poppy from the moving and hugely popular installation in 2014 was presented by David Goodall, Senior Vice Chairman of the London, Southern and Eastern Section of IGEM (The Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers) in recognition of the help and support given by the company over many years.

The presentation was made during the Section’s 5th Annual Christmas event on 4th December which, fittingly, began with a private tour of the Imperial War Museum.

David said that the gift was “a thank you to Steve Vick International for sponsoring the event and for supporting the Section over many years”. As the display was not fully dismantled by the date, David handed over the poppy to Steve Vick, founder and Chairman of the company, at their Bradford-on-Avon headquarters in early January.

Each of the 888,246 ceramic poppies which filled the famous moat at The Tower represented a British military fatality during the First World War. They have all been sold raising over £22 million for six charities associated with the armed forces.

Steve Vick commented, “I must admit that I was very touched by the gift, not only because David and the Section felt they should thank us for our support, but also because it is such an honour to receive one of these unique poppies. Having been fascinated by the visit to the Imperial War Museum, it made the gift even more poignant. We will be displaying the poppy with pride in our reception at Bradford-on-Avon.”