Fullseal Delivers Huge Cost Savings For Wales & West Utilities
February 12, 2010
During its first year of implementation, FULLSEAL™ has already created huge cost saving benefits at Wales & West Utilities. An entirely innovative product, FULLSEAL™ is the most cost effective sealant on the market for dead service insertion.
Inserted from inside the house at the service head adapter, there is a risk that the sealant could spill on to customer property, for example carpets, resulting in hefty compensation costs. However, FULLSEAL™ being a completely inert product, it allows the operative to wipe away any accidental spillages or leave the excess product to dry out, which can then be vacuumed up removing all trace of the spillage.
A natural product, FULLSEAL™ is completely free from any harmful chemicals at any stage of application, an asset that avoids the need to pay for specialist waste disposal. This can be up to ten times the cost of general waste giving a considerable saving. Its inert feature also means that if in contact with skin, FULLSEAL™ will not cause any kind of reaction opposed to the use of anaerobic sealants or polyurethane resin foams.
Due to its thixotropic, non-curing properties, there is never any need for waste. Even when a half cartridge of FULLSEAL™ is used, simply screw the cap back onto the cartridge and this can be used at a later date. The same principle applies once the sealant has been pumped into the service, if third party damage should occur weeks, months or years after application, the PE or Serviflex™ pipe can easily be removed without the need to chip away at cured, hardened sealant.
Paul Breakey, Deputy Operations Manager for The Western Gas Alliance said “not only has FULLSEAL™ given WWU cost benefits on the material purchase but has also reduced our accidental damage to property as it is clean and easy to use ”